Reiki Class Training
& Certification

About Reiki
Usui Reiki is based on the original Reiki that Mikao Usui taught. It is the best known and most widely practiced type of Reiki. When learning Reiki for the first time, we recommend beginning with Usui Reiki. It will give you everything you need to get started as well as a solid foundation to build upon. Reiki is a form of alternative medicine developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist monk Mikao Usui. Mikao Usui began training others as Reiki masters into this system which is completed as an attunement process. When attending a Reiki course, the participant gets attuned by a Reiki master through a simple process that opens him to receive and utilize more of the Universal Life Energy, or Rei-Ki. The attunements have a very powerful balancing and healing effect on those that receive them. The attunement is not a healing session, it creates the healer. This form of Reiki is called Usui Reiki and is the most widely practiced form of Reiki around the world. This system consists of 3 practitioner levels, and then a Master level that will train you to teach and attune others to this beautiful healing system. Reiki has no belief or religious system therefore be learned and practiced by everyone.

Is your heart and soul calling you to discover and learn the healing power of Reiki? Reiki is a simple & safe healing art that anyone can learn & use. Discover how this empowering modality can help you heal and transform the quality of your life. The first degree begins to open up the energy channels, awakening the practitioner to connect to the healing power of Reiki. This self-healing Reiki course is focused on the foundational form of Usui Reiki to help bring you more balance, inner peace and wellness to your body, mind, spirit and soul.
Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- Origins of Reiki
5 Principles of Reiki
Basic Chakra Knowledge
Chakra Scanning & Balancing
Science of Reiki
Techniques to Clear your Energy & Environment
Grounding & Earthing
Gassho & Reiji-Ho Reiki MeditationByosen Scanning Techniques
Higher Self
Group Practice
Reiki Degree 1 Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll
Are you open and ready to deepen your healing practice with Reiki level 2? Learn to expand your connection to the universal energy by embodying the first Reiki 3 symbols into your everyday practice. Grow a deeper understanding on how to heal yourself and others with a strong foundation on building your spiritual tool kit. The second degree Reiki attunement expands the energy channels. Additionally, students receive the first 3 Reiki symbols. The symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to the universal energy and share it to anyone, anywhere in the world. Through meditation symbols are used to amplify the Reiki energy to facilitate emotional and mental clearing. Inner child healing and Ho’oponopono is explored with the Ascended Masters. Crystals and crystal grids are introduced as tools and techniques. Extensive studies on the properties of the chakras are covered.
Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- 3 Reiki Symbols
- Send Reiki over Distance, Time and Space
- Advanced Chakra Anatomy
- Crystal Healing & Basic Knowledge
- Introduction to Crystal Grids
- Meditations
- Healing Inner Child
- Ho’oponopono
- Ascended Masters
- Self-Healing
- Healing Others
- Group Practice
Reiki Degree 2 Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll
The third degree Reiki attunement builds a deeper connection to the universal life force energy. It is sometimes called the Reiki Master degree, because it is in this level that the Master symbol is introduced. However, it is important to understand that this is a practitioner level and the next degree is Reiki Master which trains and attunes new students or practitioners. In Reiki Degree 3 you are taught one symbol, the Master Symbol. The Endocrine and Taoist energy systems in relation to the chakras will be reviewed. Further study into crystal grids on the body and in the home are introduced. The use and application of the pendulum will be introduced. In addition, the Violet Breath Meditation, advanced Japanese healing techniques and the Archangels will be explored. An understanding of the Higher Self will be taught so as to build a deeper connection to your true authentic self.
Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- Reiki Master Symbol
- Endocrine System
- Violet Breath Meditation
- High Vibrational Crystals
- Advanced Crystal Healing Techniques
- Crystal Grids for your Home
- Japanese Healing Techniques
- Taoist Breathing
- Pendulum
- Higher Self
- Connect with the Archangels
- Group Practice
Classes are Online and In-person.
Reiki Degree 3 Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll
Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect. The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don’t necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Becoming a Reiki Master implies that you will be able to initiate others into Reiki. We will spend time in class helping you to practice the complete training and prepare you to teach students in all degrees including Reiki Master.
- Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- Review All prerequisites from levels 1-3, practical & written evaluation
- Learn to Attune Students to Reiki Degrees 1, 2, 3, and Reiki Master
- Understanding the Responsibility &; Philosophy of Embodying as a Reiki Master
- Connect with your Spirit Guides
- Connect with Archangels, Ascended Masters, Reiki Ray’s & Multi Dimensional Beings
- Master Healing Mantras
- Master Healing Tools
- Psychic Surgery
Classes are Online and In-person.
Reiki Master Degree Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll
Karuna Reiki Master Certification Training
Karuna is only available to Reiki Masters. It is complete with 4 levels, 4 attunements, 3 master symbols and 8 treatment symbols. Most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki and report that the energy has a more definite feeling to it. It works deeper on the emotional, spiritual and cellular levels. Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings. Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.” When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal.
- Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- Karuna Practioner 1
- Karuna Practioner 2
- Karuna Reiki Master 1
- Karuna Reiki Master 2
Classes are Online and In-person..
Karuna Reiki Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll
(Must attend all 3 dates)
ReikI Kids Ages 5-12
Children are open channels of energy and are particularly receptive to spiritual understanding and experience. They are aware and intuitive with the ability to incorporate new ways of connecting with themselves, others and the world. Children naturally love to help and receive great joy by using Reiki, offering their love to their family through the gift of hands-on healing. Reiki kids is a program to support our children on their spiritual journey. We are at a time on our planet where it is crucial to support children and honor their new way of being. This course is for children to get in touch with subtle energy and learn simple methods of using Reiki. An attunement is offered during this workshop, the acceptance of which is entirely up to the child. The emphasis is placed on experiencing Reiki and putting words and feelings to this experience through art, movement and sound. The workshop is conducted in a child friendly environment. Parents are welcome to stay in a helping capacity. There will be creative work and physical play, as such comfortable clothes are essential.
- Manual, Attunement & Certificate
- Improves concentration
- Reiki keeps children open as a natural channel
- Enhances relaxation & sleep
- Improves concentration
- Promotes creativity
- Reiki encourages empathy, a feeling of connection to living things, plants, trees, animals, that they will carry forward into their relationships with other people.
- Encourages self-awareness
- Gives children a way to deal with the stresses of growing up
- Reiki is calming & balancing
- Reiki can help with specific emotional & physical issues
Classes are Online and In-person..
Reiki Kids Class Dates
Click Date to Enroll